How to Improve Body Positivity

The idea of body positivity is not easy to explain. People are often confused about what body positivity entails and why it's essential.

The idea of body positivity is not easy to explain. People are often confused about what body positivity entails, why it’s essential, and how someone can achieve this sense of self-love. As a result, many people dismiss the entire movement as a confusing fad in popular culture that will eventually fade into obscurity.

The thing is, body positivity is a lot of things to a lot of people. And while many people share the ideal goal of achieving self-love and accepting oneself to be happy, there are multiple paths to get there. So here’s my attempt at clearing up some of the confusion and offering some general advice on how to start incorporating body positivity into your life, regardless of your starting point.

Not About Weight or Size

First and foremost, body positivity is not about weight or size. It’s not about being “thin” or “fit.” It’s not even about being healthy. Body positivity accepts one’s body as it exists right now, regardless of size or appearance. It’s about loving your shape and working towards feeling the most comfortable and confident in your skin possible.

Next, let’s talk about why you might be struggling with this concept: Perhaps an adverse event happened to you regarding your body that left you self-conscious and ashamed. Maybe you grew up being bullied or teased about your weight, or perhaps you were constantly told that you were “too fat” or “too skinny.”

These experiences can leave a lasting impact and make it difficult to feel good about oneself. It’s also possible that you are struggling because our society places an unhealthy amount of importance on appearance. We are constantly bombarded with images of “perfect” people in the media, making it tough to feel good about ourselves when we don’t match up.

Start With Mindset

So how can you start to change your mindset? The first step is to begin recognizing your internal dialogue. Are you constantly putting yourself down? Do you criticize your body and find fault in your appearance? If so, it’s time to start being kinder to yourself.

Think about what you would say to a friend if they struggled with self-confidence. Would you tell them that they’re ugly? That they’re unworthy of love or happiness? Of course not! You would likely tell them that they are beautiful, capable, and deserving of love. Start using the same language when speaking to yourself. It may feel fake at first, but it will become more natural.

Another way to start working towards body positivity is to start practicing self-compassion. This means being gentle and forgiving towards yourself in moments of doubt or insecurity. It’s not easy to be kind to ourselves when we’re feeling down about ourselves, but it’s a crucial step. Instead of thinking, “ugh, I look so fat,” try saying, “it’s okay that I feel this way.”

It can take a while to retrain your mindset, but it’s well worth it. There is no set timeline or roadmap to achieve self-love and accept yourself as you are. It’s something that you have to work towards overtime, and it will look different for everyone.

Some helpful tips to get started

  • Focus on your positive qualities, no matter how small they seem.
  • Try not to compare yourself to others, as this is never productive.
  • Remember that you are worthy of love and happiness regardless of your looks.
  • Try to practice self-compassion and kindness in moments of doubt.

So how can we achieve body positivity? By taking it one step at a time, practicing patience, and learning to accept ourselves as we are today. The journey is long, but the destination is certainly worth it. If you are struggling with body positivity and have suffered from an eating disorder, please reach out to us. We would love to help you work through these issues.


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