Eating Disorder Misrepresentation

Eating disorder misrepresentation
Eating Disorders are one of the most misrepresented illnesses in TV today; often used as comedic fodder rather than a severe mental illness.

In the world of entertainment, Eating Disorders are a topic that have been sidelined for years. Many showrunners and writers do not understand how to portray Eating Disorders accurately and responsibly. Eating Disorders are one of the most misrepresented illnesses in television today; often used as comedic fodder rather than a severe mental illness.

This is damaging to those who suffer from Eating Disorders and the general public viewing these portrayals. Eating Disorders are becoming more prevalent in our society, and all the isolation in 2020 and 2021 has increased the prevalence of these disorders according to the Chief Executive Officer of the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Clair Mysko, “Eating disorders thrive in isolation.” The isolation we as a society have experienced over the last two years has allowed people to continue this cycle and avoid getting help.

Eating Disorders are mental illnesses with serious consequences. Eating Disorders are going to affect 1 in 5 people. Eating Disorders may begin as a coping mechanism for uncomfortable emotions or used as a form of control. It is crucial to have accurate and responsible portrayals of Eating Disorders in the media to break their stigma.

While Eating Disorders are more prevalent in teenage girls, they can affect anyone. Eating Disorders should never be taken lightly; they are mental illnesses that carry severe consequences. Eating Disorders are not just about food or weight but are a way to cope with difficult emotions. Eating Disorders may begin to lose weight, but they often become a way of life. The pressure put on people with the new influencer culture and the societal pressures to look a specific way impacts many people. We need to start having an honest conversation about eating disorders.


If you or someone you know is suffering from an Eating Disorder, please seek professional help. There is no shame in seeking help; Eating Disorders are serious mental illnesses that require treatment. Recovery is possible, and those who suffer from Eating Disorders deserve support and understanding. Spur Counseling offers individualized treatment in a safe space. Contact us to set up your first appointment.


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